Wurlitzer 2600 Jukebox (1961-1962)

Location: Boulder, CO

Symptoms: Some selections not played, record arm jamming.

When I first arrived the mechanism motor wasn’t working.  This was due to the Service Switch being off.  This is used to turn off the motor when making adjustments to the mechanism.  The normal operating position for the switch is on.

Once we got the mechanism running, the record lift arms were occasionally jamming against the sides of the record carousel.  Both right and left record arms are designed to raise at the same time.  If the carousel is aligned properly, one will glide into the record slot, while the other will stop against the record divider on the opposite side of the carousel.  Some of the record dividers were bent which caused one of the arms to get caught and then free itself, launching the record across the room.  Once I straightened the dividers, we didn’t see that problem again.

The jukebox played most records without problems, but some selections didn’t seem to work.  I tested each letter and each number selection to make sure the solenoids and switches were working.  There was no correlation between the non-working selections (i.e. there was letter group or number group that was not working).  I had the owner make selections while I watched the selector mechanism.  The rocker arms that release the selector pins were working but the pins were stuck.  After some cleaning and light lubrication, the problems started going away.  The owner is going to finish the cleaning and lubing on his own and will call back if he has any problems.



One thought on “Wurlitzer 2600 Jukebox (1961-1962)

  1. I have a wurlitzer 2600 missing turn table i have a service manual but does not show how to change it could you tell how to change it any help would br great. Thanks

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